
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Top Ten Thursday

Here are my top ten pins from ahhh...Pinterest this week. This was a good week as I look through them.

1. Pound Cake Fries with Red Velvet Dip

Holy Crap! Drooling...

2.  Super Mom to the rescue...

I'm sure this is a thought that goes through every single mothers mind but I constantly think it. Am I doing enough for Kallie? To me, being a mom is the single hardest job in the world. Being a single mom, it feels like the load is doubled honestly. When I get upset with her and have to discipline her I really let it get to me. I feel horrible for having to spank her or put her in time out, even though in the long run she needs these things to learn the difference in wrong and right. Nights where she won't go to bed and I constantly have to tell her, "Kallie go to sleep!" 30 minutes later..."KALLIE, GO TO SLEEP!" The next morning she is all smiles and tells me how much she loves me. To her I am amazing even though I don't feel I deserve it.

3. Is it really over..??

I finished Mockingjay, the last book in The Hunger Games series, last week. I'm feeling a little depressed that story is over.

4. Birthday Hat Headband

I have started planning Kallie's 4th birthday party and I just thought this idea was TOO STINKING CUTE!!

5. AWWW...

Does this even need words?

6. Ahhh...

This has been a very hard week for me for some reason. Just feel like I'm running on empty. I told me boss the other day, "I don't feel tired, I feel exhausted, if that even makes sense..." Sometimes you just have to remember to inhale and then exhale.

7. Fonts Galore!

How cool are all these fonts? Some are even FREE!!!

8. You Can't Break ME!

So very true.

9. Hair Dews...

I am HORRIBLE with hair! Poor Kallie always has her hair down because I just am not good with ponytails, pigtails, braids...nothing. I am determined to get better at this. Hello YouTube...so I've heard.

10. Tina Fey

I'm reading her book "Bossypants" right now. This woman is AWESOME!


  1. Love love love all of these :) let me know how bossy pants is!!

  2. Oh My Gosh! I feel the same when disciplining my 2 year old. I needed to read that quote....thank you so much for sharing. Although technically not a "single mom" - his daddy works ALOT, and I am the at home parent during the day and most nights. I can completely relate to how you feel. Just know that you aren't alone. :) I hope your week gets better, and that you get some time to relax!
